Sun Vegas Casino

5 Casino Gambling Resources You Should Avoid

Gamblers that want to improve their earnings will put in the time and effort necessary to improve their earnings. There’s a wealth of knowledge available on all forms of casino gambling. However, some of the resources available are less useful than others. Today, we will look at gambling resources to avoid when looking to improve your win rate.

Most Gambling Strategy Books

One thing I learned while playing poker semi-professionally is that the majority of literature on poker is outdated. As I ventured into other areas of gambling, I learned the same to be true for most books on casino games.

The majority of literature that you will find on gaming strategy is either outdated or can be obtained online for free. Many strategy books on games like blackjack cover concepts you can find on many gambling sites, including this one.

Furthermore, there’s such a wealth of material available online, especially at sites like Youtube, that it is silly to buy most strategy books.

Older Gambling Videos

All you need to do to understand why older gambling videos are not great resources is to watch them. Most older gaming videos cover the barebones basics of casino gambling and only apply to live casino gaming.

Depending on when the video was made, they may not even apply to live gambling as older games were played with fewer decks, and both pokies and video poker were programmed much differently than they are now.

We’d go as far as to say that any gambling videos made before 2010 are not worth fooling with. You can find Youtube videos that are 10 years old that provide more relevant content.

Gaming Forums

In the early days of the internet and online casino gaming, online forums were a great way to learn about casino gambling. However, as the internet expanded, the majority of forums became more about gossip and storytelling than providing any real information.

There’s the occasional exception, especially for oddball games, but most information you can find on gambling forums can be found at most basic gambling sites. Also, finding useful information at many gambling forum sites is becoming increasingly difficult. Then there are the thousands of sites where webmasters are no longer updating or are running advertising on them. They are just no longer a viable resource.

In-Person Coaching

Believe it or not, there are still people out there offering live coaching sessions for gambling. For a set hourly fee or a percentage of your winnings, they will teach you everything you ever wanted to know about gambling.

The problem with this is that you can learn just as much, and sometimes much more, by doing simple Google searches. A live coach is only good for hand-holding and for the most elementary of players. There are people available online that can provide the same type of information for a lot less or even free. Don’t be surprised to see in-person coaching completely vanish from casino gaming with perhaps the exception of poker.

Gambling Training Programs

You can find training software for most online casino games. Some games are simply just gaming simulators that allow you to practice your skills in a simulated gambling setting. Other trainers will actually give you instructions on what to improve in your game.

Many training programs are not worth purchasing. The reason is that most of the concepts you learn can be found online with free tools. Other times, the software is severely out of date and may not be viable for most online versions of casino games.

Video poker training software is the only area that may be the exception. Even then, there are plenty of video poker trainers that aren’t worth purchasing. Outside of Bob Dancer’s software or, most trainers aren’t worth your time.